Cities for Children | World’s Best Cities
Cities for Children
WRLDCTY 2021: world

Kids need many skills to navigate a world in crisis. Cities can help them better collaborate, communicate, think critically, solve problems and be creative. Explore Billund, Denmark, the Capital of Children, and Boulder, Colorado, to learn how child-friendly communities make everyone future-ready.

About The Speakers
Executive Director, Growing Up Boulder

Mara Mintzer is the Executive Director & Co-Founder of Growing Up Boulder. She is a passionate advocate for child-friendly cities, Mara presents and writes internationally on the topic of engaging young people in inclusive community planning and development.

Former VP, Capital Children Organization in Billund & CEO and Founder, World of Impact

Kristine Schmidt was formerly responsible for City Brand Capital of Children (Billund, Denmark). She has driven the place brand towards a dual bottom line of global reach and social impact. Kristine built a partnership from zero to 18 organizations committed to developing Billund as the Capital of Children.